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Foto para Max Bodymind Suplementos









Foto para Max Titanium suplementos


Foto publicada Jornal Meia Hora - RJ

novembro 2019

Premium Photo Competition 2019 
Winning Photo

Judges Comment

Being a woman. Simple photograph that almost have elements of creation and landscape about it.

Honor date: june 2019 galeria de Arte

honor date: out 2018

Com muito orgulho, gostaria de agradecer ao curador da Art (uma das maiores galeria de arte online do mundo); fui selecionado para vender minhas fotos Fine Art; minha página já está online:

Aguardo sua visita. 

muito obrigado!!!!

Prêmio Internacional TILE Brasil 2018

A arquiteta Regina Claudia Galletti, ganhou o prêmio internacional 2018 pela @tilebrasil; fiquei muito grato em ter sido escolhido por ela para fotografar seu trabalhos; muito obrigado pela parceria @reginaclaudia.arq #tilebrasil #arquitetura #arquiteta #Porcelanato #premiotilebrasil #premiotilebrasil2018 #tilebrasilaward #ceramica #ceramicaportinari #glauco_meneghelli #gratidao

Portobello - Arquiteta revelação 2018

honor date: mar 2018

A arquiteta Regina Claudia Purchio Galletti, ganhou o prêmio revelação 2018 pela Portobello; fiquei muito grato em ter sido escolhido por ela para fotografar seu trabalhos; na noite de entrega do prêmio no Hotel Unique em SP, minhas fotos apareceram no telão, mostrando à todos os maravilhosos trabalhos dela. muito obrigado pela parceria @reginaclaudia.arq


Photo Featured on APA Member Gallery - USA

honor date: Feb 2018

Congratulations Glauco, 


Your project Infrared Photography has been featured on APA Member Gallery.


Our curatorial team features a small number of projects to appear on the front of our gallery each day. We only pick the best work that effectively promotes the APA Member Gallery community.


We love hearing from members - if you have an interesting story to tell us about your project or experience on Behance, please write us at - we'll consider featuring it in the future!Keep creating great things!


The APA Member Gallery Curatorial Team

Fui selecionado para fazer parte da galeria de artistas site LifePixel (site mundialmente reconhecido por exibir somente fotos de alto padrão em infravermelho).

honor date: Feb 2018

Gostaria de agradecer a oportunidade, minhas fotos foram selecionadas para fazerem parte da galeria de fotógrafos profissionais da LifePixel. Muito Obrigado!

First of all, I would like to thank the curator of the artist gallery for selecting my photos and being part of a pro gallery of photographers. I am very moved and grateful, from the bottom of my heart. Really appreciate!


Photo Featured on APA Member Gallery. USA

honor date: Dec 2017

Congratulations Glauco, 


Your project Infrared Photography has been featured on APA Member Gallery.


Our curatorial team features a small number of projects to appear on the front of our gallery each day. We only pick the best work that effectively promotes the APA Member Gallery community.


We love hearing from members - if you have an interesting story to tell us about your project or experience on Behance, please write us at - we'll consider featuring it in the future!Keep creating great things!


The APA Member Gallery Curatorial Team

Revista PAREDRO - México

honor date: November - 2017 - link:

Revista Expressão - Brazil

honor date: May 2017 - foto publicada. 

Macro Extreme has been featured on APA Member Gallery. USA

honor date: Apr 2017  honor issuer APA Member Gallery

1.300.000 views. Worldwide

honor date: Mar 2017

honor description: Rede social de fotografia, menção honrosa conquista da marca de mais de 1.300.000 viewers

Photo Featured on APA Member Gallery. USA

honor date: Mar 2017

honor descriptionCongratulations Glauco, 

Your project Macro Flower ( has been featured on APA Member Gallery.

Our curatorial team features a small number of projects to appear on the front of our gallery each day. We only pick the best work that effectively promotes the APA Member Gallery community.

We love hearing from members - if you have an interesting story to tell us about your project or experience on Behance, please write us at - we'll consider featuring it in the future!Keep creating great things!

The APA Member Gallery Curatorial Team

Kolor PanoBook 2016 - France

honor date: 2016

honor description: Contest Win - USA


honor description: Editor's Choice
User's Choice

APA New York - American Photographic Artists


honor description: Editor's Choice

Casa Claudia magazine - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published

Casa Cor magazine - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published

Casa Vogue magazine - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published

Digital Photographer - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published

Digital Photographer - UK


honor description: Photo Published


honor description: User's choice

Folha de São Paulo - newspaper - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published



honor description: Photo Published - USA


honor description: Contest Win

Veja São Paulo magazine - Brazil


honor description: Photo Published


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